I realize the following elements are crucial to the effectiveness, quality, and safety of our trip together. As a member of the team I agree to:


Remember that regardless of my beliefs I am representing 29:11, Inc., theBridge Church, and Jesus Christ. I will model my behavior and attitude accordingly.


Remember that I am a guest working at the invitation of my hosts. I will remember the missionary’s prayer, “Where you lead me I will follow, what they feed me I will swallow”.


















Remember that we have come to learn, as well as to teach. I’ll resist the temptation to inform our hosts about “how we do things”. I’ll be open to learning about other people’s methods and ideas.

Respect the host’s view of Christianity recognizing that Christianity has many faces throughout the world and that one purpose of the trip is to experience faith lived out in a new setting. I will additionally be respectful of those who do not share the same faith I do.

Develop and maintain a servant attitude toward all ministry partners/nationals and my teammates.

Respect my team leader(s) and his or her decisions.

Refrain from gossip.

Refrain from complaining. Travel can present numerous unexpected and undesired circumstances, but the rewards of conquering such circumstances are innumerable. Instead of whining and complaining, I’ll be creative and supportive.

Attend all team meetings, activities, and services before the trip as well as any follow-up meetings.

Remember not to be exclusive in my relationships. If my significant other is on the team, we will make every effort to interact with all members of the team.

Refrain from activity that would be construed as romantic interest in a national or teammate.

Refrain from illegal drugs and abstain from consumption of alcoholic beverages or the use of tobacco while on this trip.

Remember I can be sent home (at my expense) if I do not adhere to the Team Covenant or if my team leader(s) believes it is in my best interest or that of the team.

I understand that all costs for this trip are to be submitted in accordance with the required schedule of payment due dates for this trip.

I give permission for 29:11, Inc. to use any oral or written comments made by, and any photographs or videos taken of, the participant for promotional purposes.

I understand that certain expenses, such as the cost of my airline ticket are non refundable (unless otherwise directed by the airline). If I should cancel my participation in the trip after this purchase has been made, I will not be reimbursed and no money that has been receipted as tax-exempt can be returned to me by the organization.

I understand that because I will be traveling with, working with, sharing living spaces with, and/or serving children and youth that I will undergo a background check and will not be able to attend the trip if I refuse to do so or it uncovers issues that the staff of 29:11, Inc., theBridgeCommunity Church, or the mission trip hosts deem to be unfit for service around children.

We can’t write a rule for every circumstance we could ever face, so our ultimate rule is how can we remain in healthy relationship? Relationships get messy. If you are in doubt about our team expectations you should ask, if you are failing the team we will let you know. The rule of thumb for us all is to stay strongly connected.

By typing your name and clicking I AGREE below you are agreeing to all 18 statements above and understand that breaking the Team Covenant is grounds for going home at your expense.